Quaser family of 138 employees gathered for an unforgettable camaraderie and competition across ten dynamic teams on our sports day on 15 November. This year's sports day showcased our corporate spirit through team and individual competitions. Six teams claimed top honours, collectively sharing the competition prizes.
Chairman Samuel Shieh's birthday celebration added a personal touch to the event with a memorable cake-cutting ceremony . The day was further enhanced by an exciting lottery featuring EVA Airline tickets and cash prizes sponsored by our leadership, creating moments celebrating our team's incredible spirit.
Once again, we extend our deepest gratitude to the behind-the-scenes heroes whose meticulous planning and dedication ensured that every detail was executed flawlessly. The heartfelt participation of each team vividly demonstrated the passion and pride that defines the Quaser spirit! We look forward to reuniting on the sports field next year with smiles and competitive energy, ready to shine again.
Quaser family of 138 employees gathered for an unforgettable sports day!