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Financial Results


Monthly Revenue


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 258,609 145,320 77.96 258,609 145,320 77.96
Feb. 171,395 199,194 (13.96) 430,004 344,514 24.81


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 145,320 166,363 (12.65) 145,320 166,363 (12.65)
Feb. 199,194 183,350 8.64 344,514 349,713 (1.49)
Mar. 216,620 266,579 (18.74) 561,134 616,292 (8.95)
Apr. 135,035 164,776 (18.05) 696,169 781,068 (10.87)
May 197,419 224,370 (12.01) 893,588 1,005,438 (11.12)
Jun. 327,429 257,563 27.13 1,221,017 1,263,001 (3.32)
Jul. 152,148 214,037 (28.92) 1,373,165 1,477,038 (7.03)
Aug. 223,188 203,903 9.46 1,596,353 1,680,941 (5.03)
Sept. 337,720 255,509 32.18 1,934,073 1,936,450 (0.12)
Oct. 199,346 203,131 (1.86) 2,133,419 2,139,581 (0.29)
Nov. 317,119 145,744 117.59 2,450,538 2,285,325 7.23
Dec. 319,422 302,668 5.54 2,769,960 2,587,993 7.03


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 166,363 104,256 59.57 166,363 104,256 59.57
Feb. 183,350 113,906 60.97 349,713 218,162 60.30
Mar. 266,579 154,809 72.20 616,292 372,971 65.24
Apr. 164,776 134,898 22.15 781,068 507,869 53.79
May 224,370 138,960 61.46 1,005,438 646,830 55.44
Jun. 257,563 201,088 28.08 1,263,001 847,918 48.95
Jul. 214,037 148,503 44.13 1,477,038 996,421 48.23
Aug. 203,903 156,879 29.97 1,680,941 1,153,300 45.75
Sept. 255,509 221,613 15.30 1,936,450 1,374,913 40.84
Oct. 203,131 182,684 11.19 2,139,581 1,557,598 37.36
Nov. 145,744 162,896 (10.53) 2,285,325 1,720,494 32.83
Dec. 302,668 303,114 (0.15) 2,587,993 2,023,608 27.89


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 104,256 159,291 (34.55) 104,256 159,291 (34.55)
Feb. 113,906 122,673 (7.15) 218,163 281,964 (22.63)
Mar. 154,809 207,988 (25.57) 372,972 489,952 (23.88)
Apr. 134,898 170,131 (20.71) 507,870 660,083 (23.06)
May 138,960 122,054 13.85 646,830 782,137 (17.30)
Jun. 201,088 293,059 (31.38) 847,918 1,075,196 (21.14)
Jul. 148,503 120,660 23.08 996,421 1,195,856 (16.68)
Aug. 156,879 153,904 1.93 1,153,300 1,349,760 (14.56)
Sept. 221,613 170,439 30.02 1,374,913 1,520,198 (9.56)
Oct. 182,684 174,744 4.54 1,557,598 1,694,942 (8.10)
Nov. 162,896 127,856 27.41 1,720,494 1,822,798 (5.61)
Dec. 303,114 279,426 8.48 2,023,608 2,102,224 (3.74)


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 159,291 95,615 66.60 159,291 95,615 66.60
Feb. 122,673 98,458 24.59 281,964 194,073 45.29
Mar. 207,988 165,112 25.97 489,952 359,185 36.41
Apr. 170,131 104,391 62.97 660,083 463,576 42.39
May 122,054 140,959 (13.41) 782,137 604,535 29.38
Jun. 293,059 120,406 143.39 1,075,196 724,941 48.31
Jul. 120,660 111,029 8.67 1,195,856 835,970 43.05
Aug. 153,904 97,357 58.08 1,349,760 933,327 44.62
Sept. 170,439 153,583 10.98 1,520,198 1,086,910 39.86
Oct. 174,744 169,556 3.06 1,694,942 1,256,466 34.90
Nov. 127,856 257,717 (50.39) 1,822,798 1,514,183 20.38
Dec. 279,426 395,682 (29.38) 2,102,224 1,909,865 10.07


Currency : NTD/K
Month Monthly-Current Year Monthly-Previous Year YoY Change (%) Cumulative-Current Year Cumulative-Previous Year Cumulative YoY Change (%)
Jan. 95,615 125,203 (23.63) 95,615 125,203 (23.63)
Feb. 98,458 111,271 (11.52) 194,073 236,474 (17.93)
Mar. 165,112 175,277 (5.80) 359,185 411,751 (12.77)
Apr. 104,391 175,203 (40.42) 463,576 586,954 (21.02)
May 140,959 195,547 (27.92) 604,535 782,501 (22.74)
Jun. 120,406 197,148 (38.93) 724,941 979,649 (26.00)
Jul. 111,029 170,997 (35.07) 835,970 1,150,646 (27.35)
Aug. 97,357 130,775 (25.55) 933,327 1,281,421 (27.16)
Sept. 153,583 217,292 (29.32) 1,086,910 1,498,713 (27.48)
Oct. 169,556 180,727 (6.18) 1,256,466 1,679,440 (25.19)
Nov. 257,717 145,347 77.31 1,514,183 1,824,787 (17.02)
Dec. 395,682 194,064 103.89 1,909,865 2,018,851 (5.40)

Financial Reports

Year First Quarter Six Months Nine Months Annual
Consolidated Parent company only


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